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Friday, November 11, 2011

Lastet Evidence explains Acupuncture Success

Skeptical about acupuncture?
A growing body of clinical research is showing how — and why — it works. Findings from a few recent studies:

PET Scan And Pain
The University of Michigan School of Medicine in August released findings showing how key receptors in the brain “light up” on PET scans during acupuncture treatments. The study showed acupuncture increased the binding availability of what is called mu-opioid receptors in the brain that process and weaken pain signals.

Hormone Therapy and Antidepressants
Findings from a study by researchers at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, released in December, showed acupuncture is as effective as standard treatment, such as hormone therapy or an antidepressant, in relieving hot flashes and other symptoms in menopausal women. The study involved only a small group of women, but researchers point out acupuncture is without the side effects of many medications. 

Dental Work and Anxiety
In March, results of a study in dental patients with a history of moderate to severe anxiety in dental visits showed acupuncture prior to dental work cut their anxiety by more than 50 percent. Acupuncture is safer than tranquilizers and sedation, researchers pointed out, and less time-consuming for dentists than most other relaxation techniques.

Source: Health Sentinel, a column by Jennifer L. Boen via